A normal Exception but with an HTTP status code attached.
The Webtitle plugin catches HTTP URL links in messages, connects to their servers and and streams the web page itself, looking for the web page's title. This is then reported to the originating channel or personal query.
Removes unwanted characters from a string, and decodes HTML entities in it (like — and ).
Looks up the URLs in the passed string[] urls by spawning a worker thread to do all the work.
Parses a message to see if the message contains one or more URLs. Merely passes the event on to onMessageImpl.
Parses a message to see if the message contains one or more URLs. Implementation function.
Parses a requests Response into a TitleLookupResult.
Takes a direct imgur link (one that points to an image) and rewrites it to instead point to the image's page.
Hostnames explicitly exempt from having their descriptions included after the titles.
A record of a URL lookup.
All Webtitle settings, gathered in a struct.
The Webtitle plugin catches URLs pasted in a channel, follows them and reports back the title of the web page that was linked to.
It has no bot commands; everything is done by automatically scanning channel and private query messages for things that look like links.