The Pipeline plugin reads from a local named pipe (FIFO) for messages to send to the server, as well as to live-control the bot to a certain degree.
Closes a file descriptor.
Creates a FIFO (named pipe) in the filesystem.
Initialises the FIFO.
Checks if a file is a FIFO.
Does three things upon RPL_WELCOME;
Opens a FIFO for reading. The file descriptor is set to non-blocking.
Prints the usage text to screen.
Reads from the FIFO and leaves a message for the main event loop based upon what was read. If something was indeed read, true is returned to signal to the caller that it should check for new messages.
Reloads the PipelinePlugin.
Resolves the filename of the FIFO to use.
Tears down the PipelinePlugin by closing the FIFO file descriptor and removing the FIFO file.
Plugin tick function. Reads from the pipe and either issues bus messages based on what was read or sends the piped text to the server verbatim.
All settings for a PipelinePlugin, aggregated.
The Pipeline plugin opens a Posix named pipe in a temporary directory or the current directory, to which you can pipe text and have it be sent verbatim to the server. There is also syntax to manually send bus messages to plugins.
It has no commands; it doesn't listen to IRCEvents at all, only to what is sent to it via the named FIFO pipe.
This requires version Posix, which is true for UNIX-like systems (like Linux and macOS).