The Note plugin, which allows people to leave messages to each other, for offline communication and such.
Ensures that there is a notes file, creating one if there isn't.
Loads notes from disk into NotePlugin.notes.
Plays back notes upon someone saying something in the channel, provided NoteSettings.playBackOnAnyActivity is set.
Adds a note to the in-memory storage, and saves it to disk.
Plays back notes upon someone joining or upon someone authenticating with services.
Plays back notes upon someone performing a Twitch-specific action.
Initialises the Note plugin. Loads the notes from disk.
Plays back notes upon replies of a WHO query.
Plays back notes. The target is assumed to be the sender of the IRCEvent passed.
Plays back notes. Implementation function.
Reloads notes from disk.
Saves notes to disk, to the NotePlugin.notesFile JSON file.
Performs self-tests against another bot.
Embodies the notion of a note, left for an offline user.
Note plugin settings.
The Note plugin allows for storing notes to offline users, to be replayed when they next join the channel.
If a note is left in a channel, it is stored as a note under that channel and will be played back when the user joins (or optionally shows activity) there. If a note is left in a private message, it is stored as outside of a channel and will be played back in a private query, depending on the same triggers as those of channel notes.
Activity in one channel will not play back notes left for another channel, but anything will trigger private message playback.