
Aggregate to annotate event handler functions with, to control what they do and how they work.



alias _addCommand = commands

Alias to make the UnderscoreOpDispatcher redirect calls to commands but by the name addCommand.

alias _addRegex = regexes

Alias to make the UnderscoreOpDispatcher redirect calls to regexes but by the name addRegex.

alias _onEvent = acceptedEventTypes

Alias to make the UnderscoreOpDispatcher redirect calls to acceptedEventTypes but by the name onEvent.


void generateTypemap()

Generates acceptedEventTypeMap from acceptedEventTypes.


struct Command

Embodies the notion of a chat command, e.g. !hello.

struct Regex

Embodies the notion of a chat command regular expression, e.g. ![Hh]ello+.


bool _acceptExternal;

Whether or not the annotated event handler should react to events in a channel that actually originate from a distinct subchannel.

bool _chainable;

Whether or not the annotated event handler function should allow other functions to fire after it. If not set (default false), it will terminate and move on to the next plugin after the function returns.

ChannelPolicy _channelPolicy;

What kind of channel the annotated event handler function may be triggered in; homes or mere guest channels.

bool _fiber;

Whether or not the annotated event handler should be run from within a Fiber.

Permissions _permissionsRequired;

Permissions required of instigating user, below which the annotated event handler function should not be triggered.

bool _verbose;

Whether or not additional information should be output to the local terminal as the function is (or is not) triggered.

Timing _when;

Special instruction related to the order of which event handler functions within a plugin module are triggered.

bool[] acceptedEventTypeMap;

Array of accepted IRCEvent.Types.

IRCEvent.Type[] acceptedEventTypes;

Array of types of dialect.defs.IRCEvent that the annotated event handler function should accept.

Command[] commands;

Array of IRCEventHandler.Commands the bot should pick up and listen for.

string fqn;

Fully qualified name of the function the annotated IRCEventHandler is attached to.

Regex[] regexes;

Array of IRCEventHandler.Regexes the bot should pick up and listen for.