* If ChannelRejoinBehaviour.merge, it will join all home channels
all guest channels *and* any channels carried over from previous connections
(or executions).
* If [Rejoin.mergeHomes|ChannelRejoinBehaviour.mergeHomes|, it will join all
channels carried over from previous connections *and* all home channels as
defined in the configuration file, but ignore guest channels.
* If ChannelRejoinBehaviour.original, it will join all home
channels and all guest channels, but ignore any carried channels.
* If ChannelRejoinBehaviour.carryPrevious, it will join
all carried channels and ignore home and guest channels.
Joins all channels that should be joined, as per the ConnectSettings.rejoinBehaviour setting.
* If ChannelRejoinBehaviour.merge, it will join all home channels all guest channels *and* any channels carried over from previous connections (or executions). * If [Rejoin.mergeHomes|ChannelRejoinBehaviour.mergeHomes|, it will join all channels carried over from previous connections *and* all home channels as defined in the configuration file, but ignore guest channels. * If ChannelRejoinBehaviour.original, it will join all home channels and all guest channels, but ignore any carried channels. * If ChannelRejoinBehaviour.carryPrevious, it will join all carried channels and ignore home and guest channels.