A range of whitespace equalling (num * spaces) spaces.
string indentation = 2.tabs.text; assert((indentation == " "), `"` ~ indentation ~ `"`); string smallIndent = 1.tabs!2.text; assert((smallIndent == " "), `"` ~ smallIndent ~ `"`);
import std.array : Appender; import std.conv : to; import std.exception : assertThrown; import std.format : formattedWrite; import std.algorithm.comparison : equal; import core.exception : AssertError; auto one = 1.tabs!4; auto two = 2.tabs!3; auto three = 3.tabs!2; auto zero = 0.tabs; assert(one.equal(" "), one.to!string); assert(two.equal(" "), two.to!string); assert(three.equal(" "), three.to!string); assert(zero.equal(string.init), zero.to!string); assertThrown!AssertError((-1).tabs); Appender!(char[]) sink; sink.formattedWrite("%sHello world", 2.tabs!2); assert((sink[] == " Hello world"), sink[]);
Returns a range of *spaces* equal to that of num tabs ('\t').
Use std.conv.to or std.conv.text or similar to flatten to a string.