Simple array utilities.
Functionality generic enough to be used in several places.
This module contains functions that in one way or another converts its arguments into something else.
Functions used to generate strings of statements describing the differences (or delta) between two instances of a struct or class of the same type. They can be either assignment statements or assert statements.
This module contains the meldInto functions; functions that take two structs or classes of the same type and combine them, creating a resulting object with the union of the members of both parents. Array and associative array variants exist too.
Functions and templates that do numeric calculations or other manipulation, in some way or another.
This module contains functions that in some way or another manipulates struct and class instances, as well as (associative) arrays.
SemVer information about the current release.
Various functions related to serialising and deserialising structs into/from configuration file-y files.
String manipulation functions complementing the standard library.
Various compile-time traits and cleverness.
Type constructors.
Common user-defined attributes (UDAs).
lu is a general purpose library for the D programming language.
It complements the standard library and is not a replacement for it.