Convenience function to create and setup a MutexedAA instance in one go. MutexedAA.setup need as such not be called.
Convenience helper to instantiate a RehashingAA instance with an existing associative array.
Simple buffer/queue for storing and fetching items of any type T. Does not use manual memory allocation.
Simple circular-ish buffer for storing items of type T that discards elements when the maximum size is reached. Does not use manual memory allocation.
An associative array and a Mutex. Wraps associative array operations in mutex locks.
A wrapper around a native associative array that you can controllably set to automatically rehash as entries are added.
1 { 2 Buffer!string buffer; 3 4 buffer.put("abc"); 5 buffer.put("def"); 6 assert(!buffer.empty); 7 assert(buffer.front == "abc"); 8 buffer.popFront(); 9 assert(buffer.front == "def"); 10 buffer.popFront(); 11 assert(buffer.empty); 12 } 13 { 14 Buffer!(char, Yes.dynamic, 3) buffer; 15 16 assert(!buffer.buf.length); 17 buffer ~= 'a'; 18 assert(buffer.buf.length == 3); 19 buffer ~= 'b'; 20 buffer ~= 'c'; 21 assert(buffer.length == 3); 22 buffer ~= 'd'; 23 assert(buffer.buf.length > 3); 24 assert(buffer[0..5] == "abcd"); 25 buffer.clear(); 26 assert(buffer.empty); 27 } 28 { 29 RehashingAA!(int[string]) aa; 30 aa.minimumNeededForRehash = 2; 31 32 aa["abc"] = 123; 33 aa["def"] = 456; 34 assert((aa.newKeysSinceLastRehash == 2),!string); 35 assert((aa.numRehashes == 0),!string); 36 aa["ghi"] = 789; 37 assert((aa.numRehashes == 1),!string); 38 assert((aa.newKeysSinceLastRehash == 0),!string); 39 aa.rehash(); 40 assert((aa.numRehashes == 2),!string); 41 42 auto realAA = cast(int[string])aa; 43 assert("abc" in realAA); 44 assert("def" in realAA); 45 46 auto alsoRealAA = aa.aaOf; 47 assert("ghi" in realAA); 48 assert("jkl" !in realAA); 49 50 auto aa2 = aa.dup; 51 aa2["jkl"] = 123; 52 assert("jkl" in aa2); 53 assert("jkl" !in aa); 54 } 55 { 56 MutexedAA!(string[int]) aa; 57 aa.setup(); // important! 58 59 aa[1] = "one"; 60 aa[2] = "two"; 61 aa[3] = "three"; 62 63 auto hasOne = aa.has(1); 64 assert(hasOne); 65 assert(aa[1] == "one"); 66 67 assert(aa[2] == "two"); 68 69 auto three = aa.get(3); 70 assert(three == "three"); 71 72 auto four = aa.get(4, "four"); 73 assert(four == "four"); 74 75 auto five = aa.require(5, "five"); 76 assert(five == "five"); 77 assert(aa[5] == "five"); 78 79 auto keys = aa.keys; 80 assert(keys.canFind(1)); 81 assert(keys.canFind(5)); 82 assert(!keys.canFind(6)); 83 84 auto values = aa.values; 85 assert(values.canFind("one")); 86 assert(values.canFind("four")); 87 assert(!values.canFind("six")); 88 89 aa.rehash(); 90 }