Reference to object whose members to set.
String name of member to set.
Value, of the same type as the target member.
true if a member was found and set, false if not.
SetMemberException if the passed valueToSet was not the same type (or implicitly convertible to) the member to set.
struct Foo { int i; double d; } Foo foo; foo.setMemberByName("i", 42); foo.setMemberByName("d", 3.14); assert(foo.i == 42); assert(foo.d == 3.14);
import std.conv : to; import std.exception : assertThrown; struct Foo { string s; int i; bool b; const double d; } Foo foo; bool success; success = foo.setMemberByName("s", "harbl"); assert(success); assert((foo.s == "harbl"), foo.s); success = foo.setMemberByName("i", 42); assert(success); assert((foo.i == 42),!string); success = foo.setMemberByName("b", true); assert(success); assert(foo.b); success = foo.setMemberByName("d", 3.14); assert(!success); assertThrown!SetMemberException(foo.setMemberByName("b", 3.14));
Given a struct/class object, sets one of its members by its string name to a specified value. Overload that takes a value of the same type as the target member, rather than a string to convert. Integer promotion applies.
It does not currently recurse into other struct/class members.