Whether or not to recurse into aggregate members.
Reference to a struct or class whose members to iterate over.
What value to look for in members to determine if they should be replaced, be it a string or an integer or whatever; anything that can be compared to.
What to assign matched values. Defaults to the .init of the matched type.
1 import std.conv : to; 2 3 struct Bar 4 { 5 string s = "content"; 6 } 7 8 struct Foo 9 { 10 Bar b; 11 string s = "more content"; 12 } 13 14 { 15 Foo foo1; 16 Foo foo2; 17 18 foo1.replaceMembers("-"); 19 assert(foo1 == foo2); 20 21 foo2.s = "-"; 22 foo2.replaceMembers("-"); 23 assert(!foo2.s.length); 24 25 foo2.b.s = "-"; 26 foo2.replaceMembers!(Yes.recurse)("-", "herblp"); 27 assert((foo2.b.s == "herblp"), foo2.b.s); 28 } 29 { 30 Foo foo; 31 foo.s = "---"; 32 foo.b.s = "---"; 33 34 foo.replaceMembers!(No.recurse)("---"); 35 assert(!foo.s.length); 36 assert((foo.b.s == "---"), foo.b.s); 37 38 foo.replaceMembers!(Yes.recurse)("---"); 39 assert(!foo.b.s.length); 40 } 41 { 42 class Baz 43 { 44 string barS = "init"; 45 string barT = "*"; 46 Foo f; 47 } 48 49 Baz b1 = new Baz; 50 Baz b2 = new Baz; 51 52 b1.replaceMembers("-"); 53 assert((b1.barS == b2.barS), b1.barS); 54 assert((b1.barT == b2.barT), b1.barT); 55 56 b1.replaceMembers("*"); 57 assert(b1.barS.length, b1.barS); 58 assert(!b1.barT.length, b1.barT); 59 assert(b1.f.s.length, b1.f.s); 60 61 b1.replaceMembers!(Yes.recurse)("more content"); 62 assert(!b1.f.s.length, b1.f.s); 63 } 64 { 65 struct Qux 66 { 67 int i = 42; 68 } 69 70 Qux q; 71 72 q.replaceMembers("*"); 73 assert(q.i == 42); 74 75 q.replaceMembers(43); 76 assert(q.i == 42); 77 78 q.replaceMembers(42, 99); 79 assert((q.i == 99), q.i.to!string); 80 } 81 { 82 struct Flerp 83 { 84 string[] arr; 85 } 86 87 Flerp flerp; 88 89 flerp.arr = [ "-" ]; 90 assert(flerp.arr.length == 1); 91 92 flerp.replaceMembers("-"); 93 assert(!flerp.arr.length); 94 }
Inspects a passed struct or class for members whose values match that of the passed token. Matches members are set to a replacement value, which is an optional parameter that defaults to the .init value of the token's type.