The index of the last occurrence of needle in haystack, or -1 if none were found.
import std.conv : to; { enum haystack = "haystack"; enum needle = "a"; enum index = haystack.countUntilLastOccurrenceOf(needle); assert((index == 5),!string); } { enum haystack = "1234567890"; enum needle = '7'; immutable index = haystack.countUntilLastOccurrenceOf(needle); assert((index == 6),!string); } { enum haystack = "123456789"; enum needle = '0'; immutable index = haystack.countUntilLastOccurrenceOf(needle); assert((index == -1),!string); } { enum haystack = "1234567890"; enum needle = ""; immutable index = haystack.countUntilLastOccurrenceOf(needle); static assert((index == 0),!string); } { enum haystack = ""; enum needle = ""; immutable index = haystack.countUntilLastOccurrenceOf(needle); assert((index == 0),!string); } { enum haystack = ""; enum needle = "blarp"; immutable index = haystack.countUntilLastOccurrenceOf(needle); assert((index == -1),!string); } { static immutable haystack = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3 ]; enum needle = 1; immutable index = haystack.countUntilLastOccurrenceOf(needle); assert((index == 5),!string); } { static immutable haystack = [ 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]; static immutable needle = [ 1, 2, 3 ]; immutable index = haystack.countUntilLastOccurrenceOf(needle); assert((index == 3),!string); }
Finds the index of the last occurrence of a needle in a haystack. The needle may be a single element (character) or an array of the same type as the haystack.
Overload that takes a needle instead of a predicate.