
A collection of functions that relate to applying ANSI effects to text.

This submodule has to do with terminal text colouring and is therefore gated behind version Colours.


module kameloso.terminal.colours.defs

Enum definitions of ANSI codes.

module kameloso.terminal.colours.tags

A collection of functions used to translate tags in messages into terminal colours.



void applyANSI(Sink sink, uint code, ANSICodeType overrideType)

Applies an ANSI code to a passed output range.

void applyTruecolour(Sink sink, uint r, uint g, uint b, bool brightTerminal, bool normalise)

Produces a terminal colour token for the colour passed, expressed in terms of red, green and blue, then writes it to the passed output range.

string asANSI(uint code)

Returns an ANSI format sequence containing the passed code.

string asTruecolour(string word, uint r, uint g, uint b, bool brightTerminal, bool normalise)

Produces a terminal colour token for the colour passed, expressed in terms of red, green and blue. Convenience function to colour a piece of text without being passed an output sink to fill into.

auto colourByHash(string word, CoreSettings coreSettings)

Shorthand function to colour a passed word by the hash of it.

auto colourByHash(string word, bool brightTerminal, bool extendedColours)

Shorthand function to colour a passed word by the hash of it.

auto getColourByHash(string word, bool brightTerminal, bool extendedColours)

Hashes the passed string and picks an ANSI colour for it by modulo.

auto getColourByHash(string word, CoreSettings coreSettings)

Hashes the passed string and picks an ANSI colour for it by modulo.

auto getColourByHashImpl(string word, bool brightTerminal, bool extendedColours)

Hashes the passed string and picks an ANSI colour for it by modulo. Implementation function.

string invert(string line, string toInvert, bool match, bool caseSensitive)

Terminal-inverts the colours of a piece of text in a string.

void normaliseColours(uint r, uint g, uint b)

Takes a colour and, if it deems it is too dark to see on a black terminal background, makes it brighter.

void normaliseColoursBright(uint r, uint g, uint b)

Takes a colour and, if it deems it is too bright to see on a light terminal background, makes it darker.

string withANSI(string text, uint code, ANSICodeType overrideType)

Applies an ANSI code to a passed string and returns it as a new one. Convenience function to colour a piece of text without being passed an output sink to fill into.


Appender!(char[]) sink;

// Output range version
sink.put("Hello ");
sink.applyANSI(TerminalForeground.red, ANSICodeType.foreground);
sink.applyANSI(TerminalForeground.default_, ANSICodeType.foreground);

with (TerminalForeground)
    // Normal string-returning versions
    writeln("Hello ", red.asANSI, "world!", default_.asANSI);
    writeln("H3LL0".withANSI(red), ' ', "W0RLD!".withANSI(default_));

// Also accepts RGB form
sink.put(" Also");
sink.applyTruecolour(128, 128, 255);

with (TerminalForeground)
    writeln("Also ", asTruecolour(128, 128, 255), "magic", default_.asANSI);

immutable line = "Surrounding text kameloso surrounding text";
immutable kamelosoInverted = line.invert("kameloso");
assert(line != kamelosoInverted);

immutable nicknameTint = "nickname".getColourByHash(*kameloso.common.coreSettings);
immutable substringTint = "substring".getColourByHash(*kameloso.common.coreSettings);

It is used heavily in the Printer plugin, to format sections of its output in different colours, but it's generic enough to use anywhere.

The output range versions are cumbersome but necessary to minimise the number of strings generated.

See Also
