Value | Meaning |
socketOptionReceive8192 | The receive buffer size as set as a SocketOption. |
socketOptionSend8192 | The send buffer size as set as a SocketOption. |
socketReceive8192 | The actual buffer array size used when reading from the socket. |
outbuffer512 | The maximum number of queued outgoing lines to buffer. Anything above this will crash the program with a buffer overrun. It can be arbitrarily big. |
priorityBuffer64 | The maximum number of queued priority lines to buffer. These are rare. |
prettyprintBufferPerObject1024 | How many bytes to preallocate a buffer for when printing objects to screen with the kameloso.prettyprint templates. This value times the number of objects to print. |
vbufStdout32_768 | How many bytes to allocate for the stdout buffer, when we need to do so explicitly. |
fiberStack32_768 | How large to make Fiber stacks, so they don't overflow (which they seem to have a knack for doing). |
Buffer sizes in bytes.