The Twitch postprocessor processes IRCEvents after they are parsed, and deals with Twitch-specifics. Those include extracting the colour someone's name should be printed in, their alias/"display name" (generally their nickname cased), converting the event to some event types unique to Twitch, etc.
Helper alias to use the proper style guide and still be able to instantiate Priority instances with UFCS.
Instantiates all postprocessors represented by a PostprocessorRegistrationEntry in registeredPostprocessors.
Registers a postprocessor to be instantiated on library initialisation by creating a PostprocessorRegistrationEntry and appending it to registeredPostprocessors.
Postprocessor interface for concrete postprocessors to inherit from.
Mixes in a module constructor that registers the supplied Postprocessor class in the module to be instantiated on library initialisation.
An entry in registeredPostprocessors corresponding to a postprocessor registered to be instantiated on library initialisation.
Embodies the notion of a priority at which a postprocessor should be instantiated, and as such, the order in which they will be called to process events.
Array of registered postprocessors, represented by PostprocessorRegistrationEntry/-ies, to be instantiated on library initialisation.
Postprocessor package module.
A Postprocessor is a class that is passed an IRCEvent after it has been parsed, and allowed to make last-minute modifications to it.