IRC Parsing Exception, thrown when there were errors parsing.
Certain characters that signal specific meaning in an IRC context.
Decodes an IRCv3 tag string, replacing some characters.
Inspects an IRCUser and judges whether or not it is authentication services.
Checks whether the passed char is in uppercase as per the supplied case mappings.
Examines a string and judges whether or not it *looks* like a channel.
Makes a cursory verification of a hostmask, ensuring that it doesn't contain invalid characters. May very well have false positives.
Examines a string and judges whether or not it *looks* like a nickname.
Returns whether or not a passed char can be part of a nickname.
Compares this IRCUser with a second one, treating fields with asterisks as glob wildcards, mimicking *!*@* mask matching.
Compares two strings to see if they match if case is ignored.
Sets a new or removes a IRCChannel.Mode.
Takes a nickname and strips it of any prepended mode signs, like the @ in @nickname. Saves the stripped signs in the ref string modesigns.
Convenience function to stripModesign that doesn't take an out string parameter to store the stripped modesign characters in.
Produces the passed char in lowercase as per the supplied case mappings.
Produces the passed string in lowercase as per the supplied case mappings.
Returns the typenums mapping for a given IRCServer.Daemon.
Helper functions needed to parse raw IRC event strings into IRCEvents.
Also things that don't belong anywhere else.