The token to look for as part of the variable name, either in the front of it or at the end of it. May be any non-zero number of characters.
Whether to look for the token in front of the variable name instead of at the end of it; defaults to Yes.inFront.
1 { 2 static struct Foo 3 { 4 int _i; 5 string _s; 6 bool _b; 7 string[] _add; 8 alias wordList = _add; 9 10 mixin OpDispatcher!("_", Yes.inFront); 11 } 12 13 Foo f; 14 f.i = 42; // f.opDispatch!"i"(42); 15 f.s = "hello"; // f.opDispatch!"s"("hello"); 16 f.b = true; // f.opDispatch!"b"(true); 17 f.add("hello"); // f.opDispatch!"add"("hello"); 18 f.add("world"); // f.opDispatch!"add"("world"); 19 20 assert(f.i == 42); 21 assert(f.s == "hello"); 22 assert(f.b); 23 assert(f.wordList == [ "hello", "world" ]); 24 25 // ref auto allows this 26 ++f.i; 27 assert(f.i == 43); 28 29 /+ 30 Returns `this` by reference, so we can chain calls. 31 +/ 32 auto f2 = Foo() 33 .i(9001) 34 .s("world") 35 .b(false) 36 .add("hi") 37 .add("there"); 38 39 assert(f2.i == 9001); 40 assert(f2.s == "world"); 41 assert(!f2.b); 42 assert(f2.wordList == [ "hi", "there" ]); 43 } 44 { 45 static struct Foo 46 { 47 int i_private; 48 string s_private; 49 bool b_private = true; 50 string[] add_private; 51 alias wordList = add_private; 52 53 mixin OpDispatcher!("_private", No.inFront); 54 } 55 56 Foo f; 57 f.i = 9; 58 f.s = "foo"; 59 f.b = false; 60 f.add("bar"); 61 f.add("baz"); 62 63 assert(f.i == 9); 64 assert(f.s == "foo"); 65 assert(!f.b); 66 assert(f.wordList == [ "bar", "baz" ]); 67 }
Mixin template generating an opDispatch redirecting calls to members whose names match the passed variable string but with a given token string in the front or at the end of the name.