
Mixes in constraints into another mixin template, to provide static guarantees that it is not mixed into a type of scope other than the one specified.

Using this you can ensure that a mixin template meant to be mixed into a class isn't mixed into a module-level scope, or into a function, etc.

More than one scope type can be supplied with bitwise OR.



The scope into which to only allow the mixin to be mixed in. All other kinds of scopes will be statically rejected.


Optional string name of the mixing-in mixin. Can be anything; it's just used for the error messages.


module foo;

mixin template Foo()
    mixin MixinConstraints!(MixinScope.module_, "Foo");  // Constrained to module-level scope

mixin Foo;  // no problem, scope is MixinScope.module_

void bar()
    mixin Foo;  // static assert(0): scope is MixinScope.function_, not MixinScope.module_

class C
    mixin Foo;  // static assert(0): ditto but MixinScope.class_

struct C
    mixin Foo;  // static assert(0): ditto but MixinScope.struct_

mixin template FooStructOrClass()
    mixin MixinConstraints(MixinScope.struct_ | MixinScope.class_);
void fun()
    // MixinConstraints!(MixinScope.function_, "TestMixinConstrainedToFunctions");
    mixin TestMixinConstrainedToFunctions;

class TestClassC
    // MixinConstraints!(MixinScope.class_, "TestMixinConstrainedToClass");
    mixin TestMixinConstrainedToClass;

struct TestStructS
    // mixin MixinConstraints!(MixinScope.struct_, "TestMixinConstrainedToStruct");
    mixin TestMixinConstrainedToStruct;

struct TestStructS2
    mixin TestMixinConstrainedToClassOrStruct;

See Also