- addTrackToSpotifyPlaylist
auto addTrackToSpotifyPlaylist(TwitchPlugin plugin, Credentials creds, string trackID, bool recursing)
Adds a track to the Spotify playlist whose ID is stored in the passed
- getSpotifyBase64Authorization
auto getSpotifyBase64Authorization(Credentials creds)
Constructs a Basic OAuth authorisation string based on the Spotify client ID
and client secret.
- getSpotifyTokens
auto getSpotifyTokens(Credentials creds, string code, string caBundleFile)
Request OAuth API tokens from Spotify.
- getSpotifyTrackByID
auto getSpotifyTrackByID(TwitchPlugin plugin, Credentials creds, string trackID, bool recursing)
Fetches information about a Spotify track by its ID and returns the JSON response.
- refreshSpotifyToken
auto refreshSpotifyToken(TwitchPlugin plugin, Credentials creds)
Refreshes the OAuth API token in the passed Spotify credentials.
- requestSpotifyKeys
void requestSpotifyKeys(TwitchPlugin plugin)
Requests a Spotify API authorisation code from Spotify servers, then uses it
to obtain an access key and a refresh OAuth key.
- validateSpotifyToken
auto validateSpotifyToken(Credentials creds, string caBundleFile)
Validates a Spotify OAuth token by issuing a simple request for user
information, returning the JSON received.
Bits and bobs to get Spotify API credentials for playlist management.