Deserialises a Stream from a JSON representation.
Accessor to _id.
Serialises this Stream into a JSON representation.
Takes a second Stream and updates this one with values from it.
The unique ID of a stream, as supplied by Twitch.
Hashmap of active viewers (who have shown activity).
Users seen in the channel.
How long the stream had been running after terminating it.
When the stream ended.
The numerical ID of a game, as supplied by Twitch.
The name of the game that's being streamed.
Whether or not the stream is currently ongoing.
When the stream started.
Status of the stream, when it has ended. Can be one of "TERMINATED" and "ARCHIVED".
Stream tags.
The title of the stream.
The display name of the channel owner.
The numerical ID of the user/account of the channel owner.
The user/account name of the channel owner.
How many people were viewing the stream the last time the monitor Fiber checked.
The maximum number of people seen watching this stream.
Representation of a broadcast (stream).