Override IRCPlugin.isEnabled
(effectively overriding IRCPluginImpl.isEnabled) and inject a server check, so this service does nothing on Twitch servers.
Duration after welcome event before the first round of channel-querying will start.
Extra delay between channel mode/user queries. Not delaying may cause kicks and disconnects if results are returned quickly.
Transient state variables, aggregated in a struct.
Short associative array of the channels the bot is in and which state(s) they are in.
Transient state of this ChanQueryService instance.
Forwards the supplied IRCEvent to IRCPluginImpl.onEventImpl.
Basic constructor for a plugin.
Lets a plugin modify an IRCEvent while it's begin constructed, before it's finalised and passed on to be handled.
Writes plugin resources to disk, creating them if they don't exist.
Loads configuration for this plugin from disk.
Change a plugin's Settings-annotated settings struct member by their string name.
Prints the plugin's Settings-annotated settings struct.
Gathers the configuration text the plugin wants to contribute to the configuration file.
Tick function. Called once every main loop iteration.
Self-test function.
Returns the name of the plugin.
Compile a list of our a plugin's oneliner commands.
Forwards to IRCPluginImpl.commandsImpl.
Proxies a bus message to the plugin, to let it handle it (or not).
Inherits a user, by default into a plugin's state.
Metadata about a IRCEventHandler.Command- and/or IRCEventHandler.Regex-annotated event handler.
An IRCPluginState instance containing variables and arrays that represent the current state of the plugin. Should generally be passed by reference.
Allows a plugin to modify an event post-parsing.
Called to let the plugin react to a new event, parsed from the server.
Called when the plugin is requested to initialise its disk resources.
Reads serialised configuration text into the plugin's settings struct.
Called to let the plugin contribute settings when writing the configuration file.
Called when we want to change a setting by its string name.
Called at program start but before connection has been established.
Called when we want a plugin to print its Settings-annotated struct of settings.
Called during shutdown of a connection; a plugin's would-be destructor.
Returns the name of the plugin.
Returns an array of the descriptions of the commands a plugin offers.
Returns an array of the descriptions of the channel-specific commands a plugin offers.
Reloads the plugin, where such is applicable.
Called when a bus message arrives from another plugin.
Returns whether or not the plugin is enabled in its settings.
Called on each iteration of the main loop.
Called when the plugin is first loaded.
Inherits a user into the plugin's state.
Performs self-tests against another bot.
The Channel Query service queries channels for information about them (in terms of topic and modes) as well as its list of participants.