Constructs a CarryingFiber carrying a IRCEvent and enqueues it into the IRCPluginState.awaitingFibers
associative array, then issues a WHOIS query (unless overridden via the issueWhois parameter).
Reusable mixin that catches WHOIS results.
Constant denoting that WHOISFiberDelegate has been mixed in.
Event types that we may encounter as responses to WHOIS queries.
Nickname being looked up, stored outside of any separate function to make it available to all of them.
Function alias to call when successfully having received account information from the server's WHOIS response.
Function alias to call when the server didn't respond with account information, or when the user is offline.
Whether or not to always issue a WHOIS query, even if the requested user's account is already known.
void onSuccess(const IRCEvent successEvent) { /* ... */ } void onFailure(const IRCUser failureUser) { /* .. */ } mixin WHOISFiberDelegate!(onSuccess, onFailure); enqueueAndWHOIS(specifiedNickname);
Functionality for catching WHOIS results and calling passed function aliases with the resulting account information that was divined from it, in the form of the actual IRCEvent, the target IRCUser within it, the user's account field, or merely alone as an arity-0 function.
The mixed in function to call is named enqueueAndWHOIS. It will construct the fiber, enqueue it as awaiting the proper IRCEvent types, and issue the WHOIS query.