Array of all IRCPlugins.
Array of custom settings to apply to plugins' own setting, in the string forms of "plugin.setting=value".
true if no setting name mismatches occurred, false if it did.
@Settings static struct MyPluginSettings { @Enabler bool enabled; string s; int i; float f; bool b; double d; } static final class MyPlugin : IRCPlugin { MyPluginSettings myPluginSettings; override string name() const { return "myplugin"; } mixin IRCPluginImpl; } IRCPluginState state; IRCPlugin plugin = new MyPlugin(state); auto newSettings = [ `myplugin.s="abc def ghi"`, "myplugin.i=42", "myplugin.f=3.14", "myplugin.b=true", "myplugin.d=99.99", ]; cast(void)applyCustomSettings([ plugin ], newSettings); const ps = (cast(MyPlugin)plugin).myPluginSettings; import std.conv : to; import std.math : isClose; assert((ps.s == "abc def ghi"), ps.s); assert((ps.i == 42),!string); assert(ps.f.isClose(3.14f),!string); assert(ps.b); assert(ps.d.isClose(99.99),!string);
Changes a setting of a plugin, given both the names of the plugin and the setting, in string form.
This merely iterates the passed plugins and calls their IRCPlugin.setMemberByName