Pass on the supplied IRCEvent to module-level functions annotated with an IRCEventHandler, registered with the matching IRCEvent.Types.
It also does checks for ChannelPolicy, Permissions, PrefixPolicy, IRCEventHandler.Command, IRCEventHandler.Regex, chainable settings etc; where such is applicable.
This function is private, but since it's part of a mixin template it will be visible at the mixin site. Plugins can as such override IRCPlugin.onEvent with their own code and invoke onEventImpl as a fallback.
Parsed IRCEvent to dispatch to event handlers, taken by value so we have an object we can modify.
Pass on the supplied IRCEvent to module-level functions annotated with an IRCEventHandler, registered with the matching IRCEvent.Types.
It also does checks for ChannelPolicy, Permissions, PrefixPolicy, IRCEventHandler.Command, IRCEventHandler.Regex, chainable settings etc; where such is applicable.
This function is private, but since it's part of a mixin template it will be visible at the mixin site. Plugins can as such override IRCPlugin.onEvent with their own code and invoke onEventImpl as a fallback.