Disallow copying of this struct.
Bitfield enum of what member of an instance of IRCParser was updated (if any).
Wrapper for backwards compatibility with pre-bitfield update-signaling.
Wrapper for backwards compatibility with pre-bitfield update-signaling.
Initialises defined postprocessors.
Wrapper for backwards compatibility with pre-bitfield update-signaling.
Wrapper for backwards compatibility with pre-bitfield update-signaling.
Parses an IRC string into an IRCEvent.
The current IRCClient with all the context needed for parsing.
Array of active Postprocessors, to be iterated through and processed after parsing is complete.
The current IRCServer with all the context needed for parsing.
An dialect.defs.IRCEvent.Type[1024] reverse lookup table for fast numeric lookups.
Bitfield of in what way the parser's internal state was altered during parsing.
IRCClient client; client.nickname = "..."; IRCServer server; server.address = "..."; IRCParser parser = IRCParser(client, server); string fromServer = ":zorael!~NaN@address.tld MODE #channel +v nickname"; IRCEvent event = parser.toIRCEvent(fromServer); with (event) { assert(type == IRCEvent.Type.MODE); assert(sender.nickname == "zorael"); assert(sender.ident == "~NaN"); assert(sender.address == "address.tld"); assert(target.nickname == "nickname"); assert(channel == "#channel"); assert(aux[0] = "+v"); } string alsoFromServer = ":cherryh.freenode.net 435 oldnick newnick #d :Cannot change nickname while banned on channel"; IRCEvent event2 = parser.toIRCEvent(alsoFromServer); with (event2) { assert(type == IRCEvent.Type.ERR_BANONCHAN); assert(sender.address == "cherryh.freenode.net"); assert(channel == "#d"); assert(target.nickname == "oldnick"); assert(content == "Cannot change nickname while banned on channel"); assert(aux[0] == "newnick"); assert(num == 435); } // Requires Twitch support via build configuration "twitch" string fullExample = "@badge-info=subscriber/15;badges=subscriber/12;color=;display-name=SomeoneOnTwitch;emotes=;flags=;id=d6729804-2bf3-495d-80ce-a2fe8ed00a26;login=someoneontwitch;mod=0;msg-id=submysterygift;msg-param-mass-gift-count=1;msg-param-origin-id=49\\s9d\\s3e\\s68\\sca\\s26\\se9\\s2a\\s6e\\s44\\sd4\\s60\\s9b\\s3d\\saa\\sb9\\s4c\\sad\\s43\\s5c;msg-param-sender-count=4;msg-param-sub-plan=1000;room-id=71092938;subscriber=1;system-msg=someoneOnTwitch\\sis\\sgifting\\s1\\sTier\\s1\\sSubs\\sto\\sxQcOW's\\scommunity!\\sThey've\\sgifted\\sa\\stotal\\sof\\s4\\sin\\sthe\\schannel!;tmi-sent-ts=1569013433362;user-id=224578549;user-type= :tmi.twitch.tv USERNOTICE #xqcow" IRCEvent event4 = parser.toIRCEvent(fullExample); with (event) { assert(type == IRCEvent.Type.TWITCH_BULKGIFT); assert(sender.nickname == "someoneontwitch"); assert(sender.displayName == "SomeoneOnTwitch"); assert(sender.badges == "subscriber/12"); assert(channel == "#xqcow"); assert(content == "SomeoneOnTwitch is gifting 1 Tier 1 Subs to xQcOW's community! They've gifted a total of 4 in the channel!"); assert(aux[0] == "1000"); assert(count[0] == 1); assert(count[1] == 4); }
import lu.meld : MeldingStrategy, meldInto; IRCParser parser; alias T = IRCEvent.Type; parser.typenums = Typenums.base; assert(parser.typenums[344] == T.init); Typenums.hybrid[].meldInto!(MeldingStrategy.aggressive)(parser.typenums); assert(parser.typenums[344] != T.init);
Parser that takes raw IRC strings and produces IRCEvents based on them.
Parsing requires state, which means that IRCParsers must be equipped with a IRCServer and a IRCClient for context when parsing. Because of this it has its postblit @disabled, so as not to make copies when only one instance should exist.
The alternative is to make it a class, which works too.
See the /tests directory for unit tests.