- appendToErrors
void appendToErrors(IRCEvent event, string message)
Appends an error to an IRCEvent's error string member.
- deduplicateBadges
void deduplicateBadges(string badges, string badge)
Deduplicates a badge in a comma-separated list of badges.
- parseTwitchTags
auto parseTwitchTags(IRCParser parser, IRCEvent event)
Parses a Twitch event's IRCv3 tags.
- printTags
void printTags(IRCEvent event)
Prints the tags of an IRCEvent to the console.
- switchOnMsgID
void switchOnMsgID(IRCEvent event, string msgID, bool onlySetType)
Switches on a message ID string and resolves the type of an
- warnAboutOverwrittenNumber
void warnAboutOverwrittenNumber(IRCEvent event, string name, Old oldValue, New newValue, string key, string tagType, bool printTagsOnExit)
Warns about twhen a numeric member of an
IRCEvent is to be overwritten.
- warnAboutOverwrittenString
void warnAboutOverwrittenString(IRCEvent event, string name, string oldValue, string newValue, string key, string tagType, bool printTagsOnExit)
Warns about twhen a string member of an
IRCEvent is to be overwritten.
The Twitch postprocessor processes IRCEvents after they are parsed, and deals with Twitch-specifics. Those include extracting the colour someone's name should be printed in, their alias/"display name" (generally their nickname cased), converting the event to some event types unique to Twitch, etc.