Reference to the current IRCParser.
Reference to the IRCEvent to start working on.
IRCParseException if an unknown type was encountered.
import lu.conv : toString; IRCParser parser; IRCEvent e1; with (e1) { raw = "PING :irc.server.address"; parser.parseBasic(e1); assert((type == IRCEvent.Type.PING), type.toString()); assert((sender.address == "irc.server.address"), sender.address); assert(!sender.nickname.length, sender.nickname); } IRCEvent e2; with (e2) { // QuakeNet and others not having the sending server as prefix raw = "NOTICE AUTH :*** Couldn't look up your hostname"; parser.parseBasic(e2); assert((type == IRCEvent.Type.NOTICE), type.toString()); assert(!sender.nickname.length, sender.nickname); assert((content == "*** Couldn't look up your hostname")); } IRCEvent e3; with (e3) { raw = "ERROR :Closing Link: (Quit: kameloso^)"; parser.parseBasic(e3); assert((type == IRCEvent.Type.ERROR), type.toString()); assert(!sender.nickname.length, sender.nickname); assert((content == "Closing Link: (Quit: kameloso^)"), content); }
Parses the most basic of IRC events; PING, ERROR, PONG, NOTICE (plus NOTICE AUTH), and AUTHENTICATE.
They syntactically differ from other events in that they are not prefixed by their sender.
The IRCEvent is finished at the end of this function.